Most of us are aware as individuals that we must preserve planet resources in order to maintain life on earth. However, many of us might not fully understand the requirements of sustainability. On a personal level, we all need to do our part. And today, we must also better understand what corporations and other businesses are also doing to help sustain our planet for those of us here now; and how companies are doing their part to make things safer for future human development.
It all begins with awareness and knowledge. My own level of knowledge increased significantly as I began working with my client, Go-Green Auto Centers (GGAC). They are a New York-based company that provides infrastructure for maintenance on Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV). Auto service centers around the country can be trained and certified to become ‘green shops’ that offer services, products and on-going maintenance to hybrid and electric cars. AFV’s are increasingly in demand by mainstream consumers, who seek to better the environment and decrease their reliance upon gas, fuels and oil, which are more and more expensive by the day.
As I began to help GGAC with business strategies that include international expansion, it has occurred to me how important it is to continually educate consumers on the alternatives to having their cars fixed and maintained by the auto dealers where they bought their cars. There are now other options to save consumers’ money, and not allow the dealerships to run monopolies on the AFV market. Customers can now purchase eco-friendly products, warranties, parts, etc. and feel very good about helping the environment. Consumers also have the power to decrease this nation’s reliance on fuels and oils from overseas.
GGAC will continue to expand its education to the regional auto shops within the U.S. and also help those service centers educate consumers. This company, like many others today, are also partnering with other business entities to help them expand the mission of ‘going green.’ GGAC is aligning with New York universities, national politicians and governmental organizations as well as industry-related products and service companies such as Leviton for charging stations, BioRemedi Products, Parts Authority, N-Viro Clean Products, Green Earth Technologies, EZ Detailer and more. These collaborative efforts will continue to grow and expand long-term solutions to providing more and more resources to the end consumer, who is conscious of improving the environment.
I recently read about many other companies doing great things. Two that come to mind are PetSmart and Disney. They are serious about operating their businesses in a sustainable way that will ultimately grow their brands beyond expectations. By investing in process improvements they will drive longevity of our ecosystem and make a huge difference on how their brands are viewed and considered. Check out to see how Disney is committing to this initiative. They are not only cutting emissions, but are recycling food to help the poor, preserving wildlife and planting trees. PetSmart is doing their part with millions of dollars in donations to animal welfare programs to save and adopt homeless animals. They have also made huge inroads with their “Recycle for Life” charity, which provides donations to PetSmart for homeless pets, when consumers purchase recycled and refilled ink cartridges. The company’s emergency efforts provide assistance for animals after natural and man-made disasters, providing pet supplies, and field and support equipment to help displaced animals.
This website resource will also provide you with some insight on what other companies are doing to ensure that our world has a better chance at preserving and improving valuable resources. These companies are focusing on important initiatives like wind power solutions; biotechnologies to save energy, improve water, raw materials and waste; bio refining, lithium-ion batteries and other nano-scale electrode technology; solar energy; renewable energy & geodynamics; and more.
As we begin to map out future international strategies for GGAC, we are researching best ways to partner with countries like China, who are making strong headway in the AFV industry as well as Japan. Not only will it be imperative to share learnings but also to discover and align to help with each country’s environmental needs. Businesses who think and act globally will find solutions that will help its home base as well as the rest of the world.
It is said that by the year 2025, our demand for energy will double. This is why I can’t think of a better way to have more of an impact than finding and aligning with resources from around the world. Together all of us will embark upon different and perhaps even better ways to find solutions for our ecosystem – solutions that will affect those who will be left to live with and improve those results for even the next generation.